Update From The School Health Office - 2/18/22

Update From The School Health Office - 2/18/22

Travel Guidelines:

If you plan on traveling over February break, the state follows the CDC guidance for travel. 

Domestic travel domestic travel guidelines

International travel international travel guidelines

At-Home Rapid COVID Tests:

If you opted to participate in the At-Home COVID-19 Antigen Testing Program, your child received

their first test kit on February 10th. The next distribution for students is scheduled for March 3rd.  We would like to provide you with
guidance and recommendations for the optimal use of your tests as you prepare for your child to return to
school following February break.

For students who participate in pool testing on Mondays:
Please remember to pool test on Monday, Feb. 28th. 

For students who are not participating in pool testing:

It is advisable to use your second test on Sunday, 2/27.

Only report positive results to the school. You can do so by calling the school nurse and:

scanning the QR code on the box OR

using the   Positive Test Result Notification      

If you have not opted in to participate in the at home COVID-19 antigen testing program, you can complete the opt-in form here and begin

receiving test kits.   Click here to register for test kit

Reminder - if your child is a close contact outside of school and is NOT fully vaccinated, they must follow the quarantine protocol.  If your child tests positive for COVID, they must follow the isolation protocol.  Both are outlined below:

1) If your child tests positive, your child must isolate at home for at least 5 days. On day 6, your child may resume normal activities if:

Symptoms have substantially improved AND

Been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication AND

Be able to strictly mask over the nose and mouth on days 6-10 whenever they are within 6 feet of others

For contact tracing, you must inform all personal close contacts starting from 2 days prior to when symptoms started, or is asymptomatic, 2 days prior to the test date.

2) If your child is a close contact outside of school, please let the school nurse know as well. If the exposure is in the home, it is important to try to minimize continued exposure in the home by having the family member who tested positive self-isolate and wear a well-fitted mask whenever they are in the common areas in the home.

If your child is fully vaccinated (it’s been 2 weeks since the 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine), then your child may continue to attend school as long as there are zero symptoms and wears a well-fitted mask whenever they are around others. Test today, then again on Day 5 if possible.

If your child is not vaccinated or partially vaccinated, they must quarantine at home for at least 5 days from exposure. If they remain without symptoms, they may come to school and wear a well-fitted mask whenever they are around others. Test today, then again on Day 5 if possible.

*For all close contacts, if any symptoms develop, even if mild, get a test and stay home