Update From The School Health Office - 5/14/21

Update From The School Health Office - 5/14/21

From the Nurse:

COVID-19 Vaccination: From ma.gov

People age 12 and older who live,work, or study in Massachusetts can get vaccinated against COVID-19.

●        People ages 12-17 can only get the Pfizer vaccine.

●        People age 18 and older can get any vaccine.

●        The vaccine is safe and effective.

●        You don't need an ID or insurance to get it.

Visit  http://www.mass.gov/COVIDvaccine for information on registering for an appointment and where to find vaccine sites.

Vaccines for Age 16+

●        Natick Mall will offer walk-up option starting Monday 5/10

●        CVS stores accepting walk-ins now

●        Walk-in COVID vaccine clinic at South Lawrence East Elementary School (sponsored by Lawrence General Hospital) Monday-Friday 9-3pm.

●        LGH has many appointment open. 

 Vaccines for Age 18+

The Nashoba Associated Board of Health is holding a vaccination clinic this Wednesday 5/19/21 from 10-6pm at the Clear Path for Veteran at 84 Antietam St, Devens.  The clinic is for those 18 years and older. Those wishing to schedule an appointment for a vaccination can visit https: https://vaxfinder.mass.gov/ search by Local Board of Health Clinic and look for the Clear Path for Veterans New England/Devens site. 

After your student has completed  their vaccination sequence (one or two shots depending on brand), please send a copy (scan, screenshot, or pic) of the immunization card to the school nurse so we can update their medical records. 

Please continue to assess your student for symptoms DAILY:

●        Temperature 100.0℉ or higher, chills or shaking chills

●        New onset of cough (if chronic allergic/asthmatic cough - a change from baseline)

●        Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

●        Sore throat 

●        Headache (with other symptoms) 

●        Fatigue (with other symptoms) 

●        Body or muscle aches 

●        Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea 

●        Nasal congestion or runny nose (with other symptoms)

●        New onset of loss of taste or smell

If you or your child have ANY of the symptoms listed above, please get tested right away and quarantine until the test result is received. If anyone tests positive for COVID, the positive individual must self-isolate and all members in the household as well as other close contacts must quarantine. 

If anyone in your family has tested positive for COVID or is considered a close contact, make sure to inform the nurse. This applies to remote as well as in person students.

Nashoba Valley Regional Collaborative  is holding a COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic. for information visit: COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic Information

 May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month-

●        Check for ticks frequently when outdoors

●        Wear light-colored clothes

●        Use insect repellent that contains DEET , or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus except on children under 3 y.o.

To find the insect repellant best for your needs visit https://www.epa.gov/insect-repellents/find-repellent-right-you

For more information on Lyme disease and tick-borne illnesses visit 

https: https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/index.html