Update From The School Health Office - 4/16/21

Update From The School Health Office - 4/16/21

From Nurse Philpot:

Travel Guidelines:
As a community, we all have worked hard to follow mitigation strategies to be able to remain open all school year. With April break coming next week, we must continue to do our part to keep the viral transmission levels as low as possible. Please continue to stay in your social bubble, mask up when in public, keep a 6 foot distance from others, and get vaccinated if you are eligible. If you travel out of state for more than 24 hours next week, it is best to follow the  MA Travel Advisory upon return to help keep our school community safe: 

Day 0 is the day you return to Mass

Travelers should quarantine for 10 days after travel or test out of quarantine

Both a PCR test and the Abbott Binax rapid antigen test are acceptable testing methods in the travel advisory. The test must be done no earlier than 72 hours prior to arrival in MA. If it is negative, you can resume activities provided you do not have symptoms of any kind. Please forward your child’s test result to the school nurse

Travelers who are fully vaccinated and do not have symptoms are exempt from quarantine/testing

Have fun and travel safely!
As a reminder, common symptoms of COVID to watch out for are:

Temperature 100.0℉ or higher, chills or shaking chills

New onset of cough (if chronic allergic/asthmatic cough - a change from baseline)

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

Sore throat 

Headache (with other symptoms) 

Fatigue (with other symptoms) 

Body or muscle aches 

Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea 

Nasal congestion or runny nose (with other symptoms)

New onset of loss of taste or smell

If you or your child have ANY of the symptoms listed above, please get tested right away and quarantine until the test result is received. If anyone tests positive for COVID, the positive individual must self-isolate and all members in the household as well as other close contacts must quarantine. 

If anyone in your family has tested positive for COVID or is considered a close contact, make sure to inform the nurse. This applies to remote as well as in person students.

COVID-19  Vaccination:
Starting Monday, April 19, Phase 3 of vaccination will start which means all individuals ages 16+ are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine! We urge you to get vaccinated!! There are different ways to find a vaccine appointment:

Preregister at  Vaccine sign up  to be notified when it's your turn to schedule an appointment at a  mass vaccine or regional collaboration location

 http://VaxFinder.mass.gov to search for appointments at pharmacies, health care providers, and other community locations

Once you sign up for preregistration, you’ll receive weekly status updates. You can opt out at any time if you find an appointment elsewhere. Once an appointment is available, you’ll be contacted with the opportunity to book the appointment and have 24 hours to accept it.


Littleton Community Farm is running a sliding-scale CSA for families who are food insecure or struggling with food insecurity due to COVID. A 20-week share is sold at a deep discount.

For more information, use this link:   Littleton Community Farm

Substitute Nurse Opportunities: Support your community while enjoying parent hours and a short commute. Littleton Public Schools are in need of substitute school nurses. If interested, please contact your school nurse for more information or contact Dorothy Mulone at Central Office for an application - dmulone@littletonps.org