Update From The School Health Office - 4/9/21

Update From The School Health Office - 4/9/21

Domestic Travel during COVID

Effective March 22, 2021, the state travel order has been downgraded to an advisory. If you have traveled outside of Massachusetts for longer than 24 hours in the past 14 days, you are urged to inform the school nurse and follow the   https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-travel-advisory   outlined below:

MA Travel Advisory: 

All visitors entering Massachusetts, including returning residents, are urged to quarantine for 10 days upon their arrival. 

Travelers are exempt from quarantine if:

They obtained a negative PCR test or an Abbott Binax rapid antigen test performed no earlier than 72 hours prior to the return date in Massachusetts.

They are fully vaccinated against COVID and must not have any symptoms****

They returned to MA after being out of state for fewer than 24 hours

Children 10 years old and younger are not required to get tested. If the accompanying adult chooses to quarantine for 10 days, the child should do the same. If the accompanying adult chooses to obtain a test, the adult and child should quarantine until a negative test result is received

If your child obtained a COVID test, please submit proof of your student’s negative COVID test to the school nurse.

***Definition of a Fully Vaccinated Individual: A person is considered fully vaccinated if it has been a minimum of 14 days after receiving the 2nd dose in a 2-dose series vaccine (e.g. Pfizer or Moderna) or the single-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson/Janssen)

International Travel during COVID

Please refer to CDC guidelines related to international travel at  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/testing-air-travel.html


How Can I Prevent an Allergic Reaction to Pollen?

There are actions you can take to reduce allergic reactions to pollen:

Limit your outdoor activities when pollen counts are high. This will lessen the amount of pollen allergen you inhale and reduce your symptoms.  

Keep windows closed during pollen season and use central air conditioning with a   https://www.asthmaandallergyfriendly.com/USA/air-filters/  This applies to your home and to any vehicle (car, bus, train, etc.).

Start taking allergy medicine before pollen season begins. Most allergy medicines work best when taken this way. This allows the medicine to prevent your body from releasing histamine and other chemicals that cause your symptoms.

Bathe and shampoo your hair daily before going to bed. This will remove pollen from your hair and skin and keep it off your bedding.

 https://www.asthmaandallergyfriendly.com/USA/laundry/ in hot, soapy water once a week.  

Wear sunglasses and a hat. This will help keep pollen out of your eyes and off your hair.

Limit close contact with pets that spend a lot of time outdoors.

Change and https://www.asthmaandallergyfriendly.com/USA/laundry/ worn during outdoor activities.

Dry your clothes in a clothes dryer, not on an outdoor line.

For more information, go to  https://www.aafa.org/pollen-allergy/