Update From The School Health Office - 1/22/21

Update From The School Health Office - 1/22/21

Reminders about COVID:  

The positivity rate in Massachusetts and our community is starting to trend down, let’s continue to make good and safe decisions! Please review the COVID-19 symptom checklist daily in your household. If YES to any of these symptoms (even mild), please stay home and contact the school nurse and attendance line. 

Temperature 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher

New onset of cough, shortness of breath (if chronic allergic/asthmatic cough - a change from baseline)

Sore throat 

Headache (with other symptoms) 

Fatigue (with other symptoms)

Body or muscle aches 

Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

Nasal congestion or runny nose (with other symptoms)

New onset of loss of taste or smell

If your child will be absent from remote or in-person learning for any reason, you must call the attendance line and report it with the reason for the absence. The school nurse must follow up on reported absences related to illness or travel. The current MA travel order can be reviewed at https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-travel-order. Upon return to MA, the traveler must quarantine for 10 days or test out of quarantine with a PCR test. Should you opt for the test, please submit the test result to me by email at cporell@littletonps.org. 

COVID-19  Vaccination Report by MA DPH
As of yesterday, almost 360,000 total COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in MA to individuals in phase 1, including healthcare workers, long term care facilities, first responders, and congregate care settings. On Wednesday the 20th, I received my first Moderna vaccine and I will receive the 2nd dose in 4 weeks. Besides a sore arm and a mild headache, I feel great! Phase 2 will begin next month and will include individuals with 2+ comorbidities, early education and K-12 workers, and adults ages 65+.

Flu vaccine - recommended but not mandated:
The MDPH is removing the flu vaccination requirement for students. Preliminary data show that so far, the flu season has been mild, presumably as people have received their flu shot and have been adhering to mask-wearing and social distancing due to COVID-19. The Department of Public Health continues to strongly recommend that everyone age 6 months and older receive their flu vaccine each year. 

When can I get a COVID-19 Vaccine in MA?

Substitute Nurse Opportunities: Support your community while enjoying parent hours and a short commute. Littleton Public Schools are in need of substitute school nurses. If interested, please contact the school nurse for more information or contact Dorothy Mulone at Central Office for an application at dmulone@littletonps.org. 

Thank you,

Christine Porell, RN