Update From The School Health Office - 11/11/20

Update From The School Health Office - 11/11/20

Please remember to call the attendance line 978-952-2555 to report a student absence, including virtual absences. I will reach out to families who report absences related to an illness to help provide guidance should there be any questions or concerns.

Reminders about COVID: 

The MA Department of Public Health (MDPH) has updated the quarantine guidelines this week for close contacts based on the CDC’s new recommendation. Please contact the school nurse if your student is considered a close contact. To review, close contacts are defined as individuals who were within 6 feet for a cumulative of 15 minutes with a confirmed COVID positive individual during their infectious period or individuals who live in the same house as a positive case. All close contacts must quarantine at home and it is recommended to get a COVID test 5 days after exposure, or sooner if symptomatic. The Littleton schools recommend the full 14 day quarantine as the gold standard since COVID has an incubation period of 2-14 days. The 10 day quarantine option is acceptable also per MDPH, but know that it is not as safe as the 14 day quarantine. Please click on this link  10-14 day quarantine info

Holiday Celebrations and Travel: For state guidelines please visit:


If you have travelled or plan to travel - please contact your school nurse for return to school protocols

Following safety protocols will ensure a Happy and Healthy New Year for all -Thank you in advance!

A reminder that all students regardless of learning model must have the seasonal flu vaccine by Dec 31,2020. Please forward any document or receipt you have from the provider who administered the vaccine. Thank you to all who have sent them in!! If you need a medical or religious exemption form , please contact me.

Remember the Seasonal flu can be serious too!

Protect your family and

STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK - remember to call the attendance line

get a flu shot -

wear a mask-

social distance


For more information -please visit:
