FABL Meeting 2019


The Fine Arts Boosters of Littleton (FABL) is a 501(c)3 charitable organization focused on enhancing the arts programs within the Littleton Public Schools. FABL will be hosting its third Annual Members Meeting on Monday, October 7th. from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Littleton High School Library Seminar Room. This meeting is open to the public. All parents with children involved in the Littleton Drama, Band, or Choral programs are strongly encouraged to attend.

At this meeting, the following main topics will be covered: 
Election of two members to the FABL Board of Directors
Nomination of the FABL Officers to vote for by the Board of Directors
FABL Financial Review
 Please see the attached PDF document for more detail on the meeting and consider volunteering some of your time to this parent-run organization!
FABL 2019 Annual Meeting