LHS 1:1 Program

Littleton High School will be continuing the 1:1 Program for all students. This 1:1 initiative will allow easy access to technology and best prepare our students for the 21st century. Students in grade 9-12 will be encouraged to bring an approved device to school everyday. Please review the LHS 1:1 Program Guidelines

All incoming students must register and select Option 1: Lease/Purchase or Option 2: BYOD


Option 1: Lease/Purchase

The district issues a school managed chromebook and charger. The student pays an annual nonrefundable $50.00 Lease/Purchase fee. Lease/Purchase fee is due by the first day of school each year. To make the online payment use UNIPAY select "High School Lease/Purchase Program"
Freshman Chromebook pick up will be during Freshman Orientation in August.

Option 2 : B.Y.O.D

The student brings their own device.

*If you want to participate in this program, but are experiencing financial hardship that may prevent a student from having their own device, contact the principal.

Have more questions?  Check out FAQs below or email technology@littletonps.org

If students have any problem with their issued device, please email technology@littletonps.org