Wednesday, March 19 at 6pm
Littleton High School Auditorium
Event funded by the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Genocide Education Grant.
Organized by Littleton Public Schools and the Reuben Hoar Library
- Welcome and Introductions - Kristin McManus
- Sharing His Story - Seng Ty
- Q & A - Your questions facilitated by Kristin McManus
SENG TY was born in the Kampong Speu province of Cambodia, the son of a respected physician who taught him to value life, aspire to humility, and seek the good in people. He was thirteen when he made his way alone to a refugee camp in Thailand in 1981. His story was featured in TIME Magazine’s article “Children of War”, and was read by an American family in Amherst, Massachusetts, who adopted him a year later. Now he is a citizen of the United States, a husband, a father and a former educator in the Lowell, Massachusetts School System.
Find out more about Seng Ty: